What is Nail Fungus?
We all want pretty feet, especially during sandal season or when we bare our toes in yoga class. But toenail fungus can make us want to keep our socks on. Nail fungus, also called onychomycosis, is a common condition caused by skin-loving fungi (microscopic organisms) that grow in warm, moist, and dark environments. It causes a white or yellowish growth under and around the nail, and can often have a foul smell. Most cases do not require treatment and can heal on their own, but in other cases the fungus can grow to damage the nail and skin.
Laser Treatment for Nail Fungus
Fungus doesn’t like light. Laser treatments help nail conditions by attacking the fungus directly with an intense, focused beam of light that kills the organism. Several treatments may be needed, as it is possible to re-infect your nails with fungi that have survived on other surfaces of your body or in your home. Generally, 3-6 sessions are needed for treatments. The number of treatments varies on the severity and age of the fungal infection.
*For nail fungus treatment, please book a Consultation for Nail Fungus.
What are Warts?
Basically, warts are small lumps on the skin that occur most commonly on the hands and feet and often in clusters. Caused by a virus called human papillomavirus or HPV, warts have a roughened or thicker appearance and can make us feel self-conscious. Generally, warts eventually disappear on their own but in some cases it can take years!
Laser Treatment for Warts
Laser, on the other hand, may resolve the problem in as few as 1 to 3 sessions. When treating warts, laser works by targeting the source of the wart with intense light, which stops the blood supply to that specific area. The body naturally then sloughs off the wart, leaving a smooth unscarred area as if the wart had never happened!
*Warts must be a minimum 3 mm in diameter to treat with laser.
*We do not treat children and ages 15 -18 need to be accompanied by a parent/caregiver.
*For wart treatment, please book a Consultation for Warts.
Book your appointment today!
Pre and Post Care for Nail Fungus & Warts
If your nail has thickened, thin it down to 1/8th of an inch for optimal results.
Do not apply any topical antifungal (creams, oils or powders) for 2 days prior to treatment.
Remove any polish on your nails before treatment.
Bring a clean pair of socks and shoes to wear home.
Wash sheets, disinfect bath/shower and vacuum the day of treatment.
Use the recommended fungal spray am and pm (except the day of your treatment).
Avoid walking bare-foot in public places (pools, gyms etc).
Do not apply any topical wart treatment for 2 weeks prior to treatment.
Avoid antibiotics for 48 hours prior to treatment
If you are unsure if it is a wart please send in a photo
Laser is not recommended for genital warts.
You can return to all usual activities post-treatment
“I recently saw Charmaine for laser treatment on my warts. After trying treatments at my doctors office and at home wart treatments nothing was seeming to help. After just ONE laser treatment my biggest most painful wart was almost completely gone 100% and my 2nd one was gone at about 90%. I honestly was amazed at how well this laser treatment worked. I cannot recommend it enough, especially if you have been dealing with stubborn warts that will not go away.
Nivali clinic is also a beautiful spot with friendly staff, and the sweetest office dog. Charmaine was also amazing to deal with. She was very helpful and knowledgable and wasn’t pushy with treatments. Overall my experience was 10/10 and I cannot recommended Nivali enough.”