Broken Capillaries - Spider Vein Treatment - Reticular Veins - Venous Lake
Gone are the days of painful treatments for spider veins or small varicose veins. With laser technology, unsightly veins can be removed with just a few treatments and minimal discomfort. At Nivali, we can treat spider veins and reticular veins on the legs — and you'll be wearing shorts and skirts with bare legs before you know it! We can also treat broken capillaries and small spider veins, called telangiectasia, on the face to restore your natural beauty and keep you looking your youthful best.
Spider Veins
Spider and varicose veins are caused when blood pools in the veins right below the skin's surface. These visible, sometimes thick, veins can be caused by genetics, hormones, pregnancy, and age and are common in people whose occupations involve a lot of standing.
Telangiectasia is a vascular condition characterized by broken or widened blood vessels that are visible below the skin's surface. Some factors that may influence the development of telangiectasia include genetics, UV exposure, pregnancy, some medications, skin trauma, and excessive alcohol consumption.
Couperose occurs when weakened blood vessels are visible on the face, often appearing like a thin red spider web. For people with couperose, redness is further triggered by stimulates like heat, cold, alcohol, or spicy food. When triggered, weakened or damaged blood vessels dilate, making skin appear redder.
About Treatments for Vascular Conditions
At Nivali, we offer several treatments for vascular conditions. Laser vein therapies are our most popular treatments for couperose, spider veins, and telangiectasia. Laser vein treatment works by heating the vein, causing the blood within the vein to coagulate. This simple treatment destroys the vessel by blocking blood flow. The body then naturally absorbs the vein because it no longer serves a purpose. Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Lumecca therapies and Skin Classic are also highly effective treatments for vascular conditions.
Treatment options: Laser Vein Treatment, Intense Pulse Light (IPL), Skin Classic